
Phone +49 (0) 6221 416 5900


Eppelheimer Str. 8 | Heidelberg

Surgery of the body surface

Surgery Prof. Dr. Schneider -
Specialized in surface surgery in Heidelberg!

Superficial surgery focuses on the treatment of skin growths and inflammations as well as generally conspicuous skin changes that need to be removed. This can involve a wide variety of skin changes. This also includes moles, abscesses and boils as well as an ingrown toenail. There are therefore fundamentally different reasons why surface surgery could offer an alternative. The surgical practice of Prof. Dr. Lutz Schneider in Heidelberg at the Salutem Health Centre also focuses on this surgical area in its day-to-day practice and is happy to take on the individual treatment of patients.

Surface surgery with sufficient experience in Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. Lutz Schneider’s practice can look back on extensive experience in the surgical field. As a doctor, Dr. Lutz Schneider was also able to gain relevant experience at the University of Heidelberg and pursues this on a daily basis in the practice. Here, the practice team concentrates on individual treatment concepts, which are particularly in demand in surface surgery. However, many other surgical procedures and treatments also take place here. Our range of services therefore includes the following sub-areas in total:

Further range of services at a glance:

Hernia surgery
Vein surgery
Hand surgery
General surgery
Surgery of the body surface

Surgery of the body surface - what is actually meant by surface surgery?

Superficial surgery practically concentrates on the surface of the skin. This is where inflammation, growths and changes to the skin can occur, which in many cases require medical clarification. Not all growths and skin changes are to be classified as dangerous. There are also benign changes that do not require treatment. However, it is important to clarify this with a doctor in order to prevent further complications at an early stage.

Surgical intervention is not always necessary, but it is recommended in many cases. It can also be used to remove unsightly skin changes and growths such as an atheroma for visual reasons. More details can be explained in a consultation with the doctor in Heidelberg.

How dangerous are inflammations and changes to the skin and subcutaneous tissue?

In the case of skin changes, a distinction is often made between benign and malignant changes. This also determines which further medical steps are necessary. This is initially carried out as part of a preliminary examination and possible subsequent removal of the growth and change. A microscopic examination after removal is also useful and can provide information about the type of skin change.

Growths can therefore be an initial indicator of a skin tumor and moles that change significantly can also indicate cancer. One example of this is basal cell carcinoma. A skin change that is also known as white cancer and often occurs in the facial area. Moles and birthmarks that have changed and enlarged noticeably can also cause health problems.

It is therefore important to always keep an eye on such changes and at least initially take them seriously. Even an ingrown toenail (unguis incarnatus) can also become a major problem over time. Treatment should therefore not be put on the back burner.

A clarifying consultation in the practice for surface surgery is therefore advisable, just to be on the safe side and to be able to completely rule out health problems. In addition, very different skin changes play a role in surface surgery, which can have very complex causes. The treatment varies accordingly.

Diagnosis and therapy
different skin changes

Skin changes such as growths or inflammation in the skin area can have a wide variety of causes and are therefore classified into different categories. Such changes to the skin surface can occur spontaneously or as a result of a previous inflammation or predisposition.

Good examples of this are classic liver spots on the body or a so-called nevus. This is a collective term for often benign skin malformations. However, cysts such as so-called groats and fatty growths such as liposomes also play a role in surface surgery. Similar to boils, these growths usually require treatment and removal. Medical support is also advisable for an abscess that is due to an inflammation under the skin. Abscesses can develop for a variety of reasons. Even the simple squeezing of skin impurities such as pimples can promote such an inflammation.

The surgical practice of Prof. Dr. Lutz Schneider in Heidelberg concentrates on various areas of surgery. This also includes surface surgery and covers a wide range of treatments for various skin changes, growths and inflammations. Inflammations and changes to the skin should always be taken seriously and can cause more than just aesthetic problems. In particular, it makes sense to contact the surface surgery department in Heidelberg to detect diseases such as skin cancer at an early stage. We are happy to be there for you and offer you comprehensive and up-to-date medical treatment and advice.

Surgery of the body surface - individual therapy concepts

With regard to treatments, there are various options in surface surgery to remove growths and skin changes and also to prevent them from recurring. It is therefore particularly important to remove artheromas and bruises together with the capsule in order to prevent these growths from recurring. The right and effective treatment method is therefore required to permanently eliminate the problem.

Surgical treatment is determined on a patient-by-patient basis and discussed in detail with the patient in advance. An outpatient procedure with follow-up care is often sufficient. How extensive this is depends on the type of skin change.

Straightforward contact - clarify initial questions with us!

If you have noticed a change in the skin or growth on your own body, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The practice for surface surgery in Heidelberg is of course the ideal place for this. We offer you professional medical advice and subsequent treatment on site, including follow-up care if a surgical procedure is necessary.

Contacting us is uncomplicated – you can reach us easily and flexibly by telephone or e-mail. We will be happy to arrange an appointment for you. Your health is important to us!

Our consultation hour

To make an appointment at our practice in Heidelberg, we offer you the convenient option of making an appointment online. Simply use our online calendar below.

Monday, Tuesday

08:00 – 18:00 Uhr


08:00 – 13:00 Uhr


08:00 – 18:00 Uhr


08:00 – 13:00 Uhr